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Have you ever imagined losing the company of those you love most?
Have you ever imagined losing the will to... smile?

Clowncare is a non-profit NGO that promotes the well being of institutionalized seniors through the art of clowning. We exist in order to inspire joy in older people.

We are a collective of professionals - Some more clowns than the others – that, through the years developed projects in several areas from Journalism, Training, Design, Animation with Seniors and for sure ... Clowning. We are together to bring happiness to older people.

We decided to launch a pioneering service in Portugal : a professional clown team who visits institutionalized elderly regularly to give them back the right to be happy.


What moves us? Joy .Our mission is to offer smiles, because we believe in a more inclusive society that cares and looks after the well-being of our grandparents.

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